Before I started writing the sentence, I remembered something unrelated, switched the tab in my terminal emulator, fixed a bug, switched back... and now I can't remember what it is that I wanted to write about here. So I just wrote that because it's also related to thoughts and memory.
I know the correct answer to every question that has ever been asked, will be asked, or even just thought of.
It's "That depends."
Neues Hobby: 30 Minuten vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre noch mal kurz raus gehen und die nahezu menschenfreie Welt genießen. Schade, dass es bis 21 Uhr noch nicht dunkel ist. Aber ansonsten könnte man das meinetwegen gerne eine Weile so lassen.
There are so many different induction techniques for lucid dreams. Especially in the large American community people seem to like to give them names (mostly acronyms) and share them like some kind of genius invention. But most of them rely on the same underlying principles of which not many need to be learned if you want to gather enough experience to increase your chances of having a lucid dream. Im no kind of expert in this matter. But I was involved in the lucid dreaming community for some years, read many books on the topic and tried many of the incuction techniques successfully myself. So I feel like I do know more about the subject than the average person. I just thought I'd share what I believe to be the basics that can be easily overlooked by somebody who dives into the subject and learns too much too quickly.
It would be good if we could rely on scientific research to determin which techniques and practices are most successful in bringing which type of practitioner closer to their goal. But I don't think enough studies have been done to even know which practices play the most important role for the average practitioner. And those studies that have been performed used different aproaches, different methodology, selected participants differently and collected different data so they can not be meaningfully compared.
That's why my entries on this topic will mainly be about the basics; in particular about those practices that either have been studied among a group of people under controlled conditions and those that appear to be so successful in the community that I'm not hesitant to recommend investing time into them if you want to have (more) lucid dreams. I will post about this under the tag top:Dreaming:Lucid Dreaming:Induction.
Wenn andere Menschen sich nicht an die Maskenpflicht gebunden fühlen und sich maskenlos in Räumen aufhalten, die ich auch zu nutzen gezwungen bin, dann sollten sie nicht so überrascht sein, dass ich es als in Ordnung annehme, diese Räume nackt zu nutzen, weil ich keine Lust auf Klamotten habe. Ich muss ihre Atemluft einatmen. Sie müssen meinen Penis ja nicht in den Mund nehmen.