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Entries tagged 'cat:obsolete'


I would like to tell the story about that time I co-founded and hosted a podcast for a few short years. But not today. This here is just to remind me.

Edit: Well, I'll just tell it real short then. I wanted to start a podcast in German language about lucid dreaming because there weren't any. But I wouldn't have done it alone, so I asked around, Zitrom joined and we recorded some episodes. We called the project BLucid because that sounded cool. He also made the intro jingle that I still like very much. Eventually I started to record episodes with others instead when Zitrom wasn't available anymore.

At some point I didn't find anybody who would join me for new episodes and so the project died. After a few years of me not having any time for that any more anyway, I decided to cancel the domain and take the site offline.

Now I'm re-publishing the podcast episodes on

And maybe eventually I will find somebody to co-host the podcast again. Some day. Feel free to send me a note if you'd like to be in the podcast, in German or English.


Dlog war eine Traumtagebuch-Webseite, die ich gebaut hatte, weil unter den existierenden Traumtagebuch-Apps, ob für den Browser, Desktop oder Mobilgeräte, fern oder lokal gehostet, keine war, die meinen Anforderungen entsprochen oder wenigstens mein gewünschtes Feature-Set hatte.

Weil ich mich beim Feature-Implementieren überhaupt nicht zurückgehalten hatte und relativ früh zu meinem Ziel erklärte, alle Features aller existierender Apps für den Zweck des Traum-Aufzeichnens in einer unterzubringen verlor Dlog eine meiner initialen Anforderungen: Einfachheit und Übersichtlichkeit. Aber ich kannte mich ja sehr gut mit allen Funktionen aus. Also hat mich das nicht gestört.

Weil ich die Webseite mit Drupal gebaut hatte, was nicht nur das einzige CMS war, das ich damals für irgendwelche Projekte in Erwägung gezogen habe, sondern auch eine exzellente Wahl, war es kein Aufwand, Benutzerkonten und -anmeldung zu implementieren. Es entstand also eine Traumtagebuch-Aufzeichnungs-und-Archivierungs-Plattform, die vom Funktionsumfang her jeder anderen vergleichbaren Anwendung überlegen war. Leider verlor ich die Motivation, an der Seite weiter zu arbeiten, als ich realisierte, dass sich niemand aus der deutschsprachigen Klarträumer-Community für so eine Plattform interessierte. Und da ich ja selbst nie vor hatte, meine Traumaufzeichnungen zu veröffentlichen und ohnehin die meiste Zeit keine brauchbaren Aufzeichnungen anfertige, war es mir dann doch zu viel, die Seite selbst zu benutzen. Jede Text-Datei und jeder halbe Papierzettel war mir genug für meine Traum-Aufzeichnungen.

So nahm ich die Seite also wieder offline noch bevor ich einen Domainname für sie gekauft hatte und kann nicht mal behelligt werden, sie wieder aufzusetzen, um für diesen Eintrag einen Screenshot von ihr zu machen.


Automatic backups with rsync under Linux
There is a newer version of this entry: 'Backup Shell Script'.

This is a very primitive and bad script. I've posted a new version here.

"No backup no pity!"

I don't agree. But I like the saying for reasons that I shall not analyse here right now.

I don't always have proper backups of my data, let alone off-site backups. I have no backup at all of a large portion of my hoarded data. But I did at some point take the time to create scripts that back up important stuff automatically. Here is a simple one using rsync and a mounted share as a target.



rm -rf $BUDIR$NAME.8
echo >> $BUDIR$NAME.log
echo >> $BUDIR$NAME.log
echo >> $BUDIR$NAME.log
echo >> $BUDIR$NAME.log
rsync --archive -L --delete $SRCDIR  $BUDIR$NAME.0/ 2>&1 | tee -a $BUDIR$NAME.log

You would create one of these scripts per directory you want to backup. BUDIR is the directory where you want to backup to be stored. This will probably be the same for every script if you have only one backup drive/server. SRCDIR is the directory you want to backup. NAME is the name you want the backup to be stored under. It can be a sub-directory if you want, so you can sort the backups into directories on the target.

Project: mixlog

I just canceled some domains that I had registered. Among them were the domain names and Both of which were once used for a blogging platform of mine that wasn't alive for a long time. But I kept the domains just in case. (I don't know which case that would have been.)

The platform was initially supposed to be called Mixblog, but I couldn't find a free domain name that I liked. So at some point I registered, which by now sounds better and more familiar to me anyway.

The point of mixlog was - apart from me having a website to build and something to learn on - to create personal feed of content from different blogs on that website and other sources (RSS feeds). It could essentially be used as a feed reader in a web browser with the ability to publish stuff on the same site. RSS aggregation wasn't scaling well, so it would have been difficult if many people would have used it as a feed reader for many feeds. But that wasn't its main purpose anyway. So, you could post blog posts, image galleries (which technically were blog posts too) and links to posts on other websites (which imported the content and worked as a repost). You could follow blogs and repost and fav posts from bogs on mixlog and from other blogs as well. Classic blog comments existed too. Pingbacks and RSS feeds were supported as I still liked to think was standard back then.

I saw the platform as like sort of a twitter with fewer members, more features and without contrains (no small character limit, reblogging and following blogs from other websites was supported). When I later learned about tumblr, I started to think of mixlog as like sort of a tumblr with more features and a less professional design and UI. But I don't think tumblr even existed when I stopped working on mixlog.

So why isn't mixlog around anymore? At its peak there were three active users on the platform (not daily active, far from, actually). That included me, a friend who tested it with me in the early development stage and another friend, who tried it out for a short while. Altogether there were four user accounts/blogs. And mine was the only one that showed sings of prolonged motivation to post stuff. So when it became clear to me that nobody but me would be using it I thought it to be overblown for a personal weblog, stopped adding features and eventually took it offline instead of fixing a potential vulnerability of the underlying framework.

I guess this here is just to say: R.I.P., mixlog! You will forever have a place on my backup RAID.

(tba: screen shot)