I expect MS Windows to support Linux more and more over the years and I'll not be surprised if they'll make moves towards using Linux as the main kernal of Windows some day or even entirely switch to a Linux kernal eventually (only running win32 and and other WinAPI for legacy support). I'm convinced that it would be a viable goal. Their main problems with this decision (other than engineering problems of actually making the switch) would be that other Linux distros might get even better hardware support if hardware manufacuters would create drivers for Linux first and that it might become easier to develop and improve software like Wine, that enables to run old Windows applications on Linux. As for new Windows applications, those would be developed for a fork of Linux anyway.
I don't understand how people can be so cruel.
She was just sitting there in the cold, abandoned.
She's better now though.
These pictures have been published with Twilight's consent.
File Attachments (3 files)
You know what my problem is? I get too many ideas of things that I could attempt to make. More ideas than I could ever try and realise. So instead of picking a project and investing time in it I keep getting stuck in a loop of thinking about how I would make all those things that I'll never make. Because that's easier and faster, I suppose. Also how can I choose which project to work on when many of my ideas feel like they could be good ideas. It's often impossibly to decide based on objective criteria what I should do.
I think I'll post some of my case modding and electronics ideas in a new category (Project Ideas) here in the future. They will lack the visual pictures that I have in my mind. But maybe when I tell somebody (anybody, even non-existing future blog readers) about some of them then I can allow myself to treat them as done and stop thinking about how I could and should start working on them some time. They may not be good ideas and I may not put too much (or any) effort into trying to convey why they are an important or good idea to me. But who knows, maybe there will even be some interesting stuff.
Irgend wie habe ich es geschafft, bis zum Beginn der so genannten dritten Welle in Deutschland zu bestehen, ohne diesen Gedanke gehabt zu haben:
So ziemlich fast so gut wie quasi alle Corona-Infektionen, die derzeit stattfinden, wurden durch Missachtung der Hygieneregeln ermöglicht. Es sind nicht verzeihlich wenige Fälle, die durch verzeihliche Mishaps entstehen. Es sind größtenteils im privaten Bereich von Menschen, die unachtsam, ignorant und unverantwortlich mit ihren Kontakte umgehen, stattfindende, zum Großteil sehr einfch vermeidbare Infektionen.
Daraus folgernd will ich versuchen, nicht mehr so nach außen verständnisvoll zu reagieren, wenn Mitmenschen der Ansicht sind, mich maskenlose und/oder abstabdslos belästigen zu müssen.
(Toll, ich habe entschieden, arschlochiger zu werden. Entscheidung zurückgezogen.)
Again and again I encounter technical problems (software bugs, hardware defects) that seem to be nearly impossible to fix without having had a proper education in the respective field. The simple, and correct, way to getting rid of these types of problems surely is to declare them not a problem. Buy a new device, convince yourself that you don't want the feature anyway, make somebody else solve your problem and blame them if it isn't perfect or breaks again.
But in those cases where I do find the motivation to try and repair something myself, it is often easier than expected and always so in hindsight. If you have repaired something yourself before that you initially considered to be a problem that is above your capabilities, I congratulate you on this eminently gratifying feeling that more often than not seems to come with this experience. If you haven't, this sentence doesn't address you.