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Entries tagged 'cat:Thoughts' (Page 4)

Maybe the world has, from the western luxury-chasing society's view point, already started to end and we're just stretching it out.

Maybe the clearest turning point, that will be seen as the cluster of events that started the big change, is this year.

Maybe shit will really start to go down in the coming years, as most seem to expect.

Maybe more than one of those are true.

It probably doesn't matter. Either way I'm starting to think that it's interesting how different people react to the very slow realisation that this society's midlife crisis is real and here.

Sitting next to my training bike, procrastinating using it and reading a review of research papers about the benefits of aerobic exercise for executive functioning. But not without interrupting my reading to check emails and write this post.

With an estimated average speed of 21.938 cm/h and 4 hours of breaks each day, my nose ran about 13 meters in the last three days. That means I'll probably be able to catch it once I'm out of quarantine and thus won't loose my sense of smell for very long.

I overestimate that by 2025 there will be more distinct keyboard layouts than humans.

Ob ich es wohl in absehbarer Zeit schaffen werde, es mir selbst gegenüber zu rechtfertigen, zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs angenommen zu haben, dass es ausreichende Gründe dafür gibt, 560 € für eine für den Einsatzzerck individualisierte, klappbare Aluminium-Sackkarre auszugeben, nur weil ich sie ja beruflich einsetze und bei Einkäufen professionellen Equipments keine Kompromisse eingehen möchte, dass ich es nicht für den Rest des Jahres bereuen werde, kann ich aktuell nur schwer einschätzen.