Steeph's Web Site


Entries tagged 'cat:Shared' (Page 1)

On Notetaking; Minimalist Web Notepad (and an edit function for SBWG)

There are so many ways to take and organise notes… I stopped thinking about it. I stopped trying to organise the right kind of notes in the right place, right kind of software or in the right structure. Some things I write on a piece of paper, which may or may not lie around and in the way for weeks, or I put it in a file, or create a bookmark. Or a write it in a terminal so that I can grep it from the history later. Or I send myself an email. Yes, that's still something people do. I do it even though I know there are better ways to save and sync notes across devices. There are so many better ways that I can't decide on which I want to use. There are so cool, sweet and genius little (nd not so little) apps, CLI tools, TUIs and web UIs that people recommend. I don't want to spend years testing them so that I can decide which I want to use with which config. But there is one that I adopted qhickly and gladly. I guess I stumbled over it just at the right time or I wouldn't have installed it, and wouldn't still use it years later.

It's called Minimalist Web Notepad. I'm not sure if the linked Github is from the originl author. Feel free to check yourself. There are quite some forks. One reason for that may be that its name is very much a complete description of what it is, and the minimalism is enforced by the maintainer. If you want any feature on top of the core functionality, you have to add it yourself or look through the forks. Upon installation you choose or create a directory in which the notes are saved. Then you can pass a file path through the URL when you open the app, and it will display the contents of the file. If you edit anything in the notepad, it will be saved immedietly to the file (if JS is enabled). If the file didn't exist, it will be created. So, this notepad can be used as a simple addition to the practice of collecting a convoluted mess of text files that contain notes, which is perfect for me. There is no password protection (in the original version). But Apache can already do that.

And I found another use for minimalist-web-notepad. I started SBWG on the idea that more things should be files. The concept of everything being a file works great in Unix-like systems, which device drivers and kernel components that create those files as sensible interfaces to things. But I like the idea of things being files independently of sensibility and efficiency. Maybe that's why I like minimalist-web-notepad. There, notes are files, in SBWG, blog entries are files, in my etherpad-lite, pads are files. Wait a moment… if I use the entries directory of a SBWG web site as the notes directory of minimalist-web-notepad, I could edit blog entries in the web browser. And so I did that, and added a hook to the settings file of draft0 that includes a link to every entry that links to the notepad of that entry. For a while now there has been a hidden edit link in every draft0 entry that allows me to edit blog entries quickly without moving away from my principle of not adding any client-to-server interaction to SBWG.

See, that's why it's great to agree on formats (and standards in general). The author of this minimalist-web-notepad didn't know about SBWG, but just kept the tool simple and file-based, and thereby created a blog entry editor for SBWG web sites that fits perfectly, accidently.

Just in case anybody wants to add the same hook to their SBWG settings file, here it is:

# Add an edit link to every entry's title section (when the entry is displayed on its own page)
hook_entry_title_tags_after() {
  echo "edit" >> "${outfile}"

Replace with the URL to your minimalist-web-notepad (or other editor) installation. Make sure to protect it from anonymous access, unless you like surprises, I guess. If you want to hide the link, too, use CSS or change the link text to '.' or place it differently by using a different hook or be creative or use a browser extension instead of the hook.

Derpy did 9/11

I realise that the fun in this GIF, if you would have ever been someone who would have smiled at a joke like this, is lost by now. But it was a popular and hated animation among bronies after the episode where Derpy demolished that building came out. I'd like to keep a backup here because the file is known to be reported (and removed) on image boards, discussion boards and other moderated web sites. (Imgur is almost the only one who kept it until now. But they started to remove old uploads. So it will vanish from there, too.)

This probably would be the most popular My Little Pony GIF animation that I've made if most bronies weren't Americans. :)

Edit: Oh and I found this audio recording of an old version of the Google text-to-speech reading an excerpt of the transcript of the relevant MLP:FiM episode. I created that file as a test audio file for some other project. But I think it fits here as well and sounds kind of funny.

File Attachments (2 files)

derpywtc.mp3 Download

Zeo Mobile Teardown

2015 habe ich mir mal ein Zeo Mobile genauer angeschaut und im Schlafhacking-Blog darüber geschrieben.

Hintergrund: Das Zeo war ein Gerät ("war, weil es schon lange nicht mehr hergestellt und vertrieben wird), das anhand von Bewegungsdaten, EOG und EEG ein Schlafprofil des Trägers eines Stirnbandes erstellte. Es war wahrscheinlich das erste Gerät seiner Art, das diesen Einsatzzweck einfach benutzbar, mit cloudbasierter Software für Normalconsumer und - dafür, dass es quasi kein richtiges Konkurrenzprodukt gab - ziemlich günstig, bedient hat. Ich weiß gar nicht, woran der Hersteller, Zeo, Inc., ehem. Axon Labs) gescheitert ist. Er war dem heutigen Trend so weit voraus und hat alles geboten, was den Benutzern von heutigen, ähnlichen Geräten für den Zweck der Verbesserung der Schlafqualität wichtig ist, dass man ihn eher als Innovator als als seiner Zeit voraus bezeichnen kann. Anyways, es gab/gibt hauptsächlich zwei Geräte: Das Zeo Bedside, bestehend aus Nachttisch-Empfangsgerät, Kopfband, USB-/serieller Schnittstelle und Windows-Software, und das Zeo Mobile, ein Bluetooth-fähiges Kopfband mit Smartphone-App. Für ersteres wurde von einem (Ex-)Entwickler des Gerätes eine modifizierte Firmware (Version 2.6.3R) in Umlauf gebracht, die es ermöglicht, über USB die Rohdaten der Sensoren zu empfangen und so eigene Software zu benutzen. Damit hat während des kommerziellen Untergangs Zeos nicht nur er meinen Respekt gewonnen, sondern auch das Zeo Bedside neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten und eine Fan-Community von technik-interessierten Klarträumern. Für das neuere Zeo Mobile gibt es zwar auch eine Android-App, mit der man das Gerät ohne Konto auf dem nicht mehr existeierenden Zeo-Server weiterbenutzen kann, aber aus dem einfachen Grund, dass es nicht einfach möglich ist, Rohdaten aus dem Gerät zu bekommen, haben die Zeo Mobiles bei weitem nicht die Beliebtheit unter Hobbyisten, die die wenigen noch in Umlauf befindlichen Zeo Bedsides genießen.

Also, 2015 habe ich mir mal ein Zeo Mobile genauer angeschaut und im Schlafhacking-Blog darüber geschrieben: Zeo Mobile Teardown

Eigentlich wollte ich noch einige weitere Links hier einbauen, wie zum Beispiel zu der Entwickler-Webseite und zu ein paar interessanten Software-Projekten, die die Daten der Rohdaten-Firmware des Zeo Bedside nutzen. Leider kann ich die Firmware selbst nicht mehr finden und auch die relevanten Informationen sind nur noch im Internet Archive zu finden. Dort sind die Software-Downloads aber nicht archiviert, weshalb sich der Rest erübrigt. Sehr schade. Ich hoffe jemand wird die Sachen noch mal öffentlich zur Verfügung stellen. Ich habe sie leider nicht bei mir, weil ich nie ein Zeo selbst bespielt habe.

Vielleicht nehme ich den letzten Absatz wieder zurück. Hier ein paar URLs, die oben vielleicht fehlen (habe gerade keine Lust, sie in line zu bringen):

  • (Inhalt nur eingeloggt sichtbar)

I don't have a capsule in the Gemini Space

When I first read about Project Gemini (the Gemini protocol) I was excited. I think it's a good idea for several reasons and I'm happy that it's reality and more than a handful of people help building that space and filling it with content. I never got into gopher mainly because I don't find the structure of gopher sites (gopherholes?) suitable for most kinds of content. And because the web exists and, with the right browser extensions and configuration, isn't annoying enough most of the time.

But now that there is a new kid on the block with a different feature set and the right ideological background of the initiator(s) of the protocol, I seriously thought about moving this site over to the Gemini Space. Or to participate in any way. But I've decided against it for now. I've just started building this site and the software behind it and I don't want to abandon thi project already or start a competing one before this one is established in my mind.

So this blog entry shall be my only contribution for now. Go check it out, there already is a lot of interesting content in Gemini capsules.

  • Project Gemini Website - with many good links to get started
  • Lagrange - a famous GUI Gemini browser (web link)
  • gemini directory - one of several good collections/directories of gemini capsules (gemini link)
  • Geminispace Search engine(gemini link)
  • World Science Festival

    The World Science Festical is an event that seems to bring scientists from different fields with highly interesting or intriguing thoughts and ordinary humans together once a year. I don't really know much more about it than the Wikipedia article says. But after wathing several of the panel recordings on YouTube I feel like sharing some of the (to me) most interesting topics.

    This is just a small selecltion from similar videos that are way worth watching. The videos on their YouTube channel are sorted into playlists by topic category.